Wednesday, 14 September 2011

It's colder when it rains!

Another cold rainy morning in Nairobi! It becomes even cooler when it rains but the house remains snug and cozy. The house is huge and it makes me feel that our match box makers, sorry builders,from Pune should learn some lessons from their counter parts in Kenya! All the houses that I have seen so far are really spacious.They are flats but give the feel of being in a bungalow. Could it be part of the Colonial hangover? After all, the British had made Nairobi their East African headquarters for many years and some old Colonial bungalows are still seen in and around Nairobi.
And the greenery! The children and I go into raptures just looking at the beautiful green trees,the myriad shades, shapes and colours of the flowers! Be it the humble bougainvillea or the stately lobster claw, the colours and the variety is mind boggling! I am sure no  top notch designer of textiles or cosmetics can match the shade of blood red bougainvillea we see here. The cactus plants grow so much that you can pick cactus flowers ,which again are beautiful beyond words,from the first floor balcony, if not the second floor!
Just outside the house we can see a quaint banana grove,some beautiful Christmas trees and lots of tall flame of the forest trees. If it hadn't been for our daily routine, we could have almost forgotten that we live here and are not holidaying in some hill resort.
"What is this life,so full of care,if we have no time to stand and stare?" We are doing a lot of standing and staring, as we drink in the green sights of Nairobi.She really walks in beauty!

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