Wednesday, 19 August 2015

Fitting Into Your Teen's Jeans

Fitting into your teen's trendy jeans
Makes one feel like the Queen of Queens!
You'd thought they were to step into your low heeled shoes?
And instead you are sliding into their skinny denim blues?

Those long ago bloated times one is quick to recall
Those few months of the nine when nothing fitted at all!
Only baggy tracks and a baggier tee,
At that point were comfortable for me.

Bringing up the kids in my twenties and thirties took their toll
And around my waist crept up a bulky fat roll!
I hit the treadmill with renewed determination,
And soon those fat cells faced extermination.

The great results were visible for all to see
'Are you sisters?', people often ask my teen and me!
'Mother and Daughter', one proudly proclaims,
'She's NOT my sister', the teen loudly exclaims.

'Dear girl, you'll always be smarter and better than your mother
So don't work yourself up into a foamy lather!
For Child is Father/Mother of the Man/Woman,
And we really hope we've produced a better human.'

In twelve short months you'll be gone to college
Where you will be garnering scientific knowledge!
At your empty cupboard I'll be left staring,
All the while wondering how you are faring.

Leave me a pair of your faded jeans
A small reminder of your wonderful teens!
They will ensure I won't eat my way through my sorrow,
After all, we are sending you away for a brighter tomorrow.

And I hope I will keep fitting into your jeans,
Even when you are years away from your teens!
And one day I hope you will fit into the jeans of YOUR teens,
For remember I gave you MY genes...


  1. Genes that make one write poetry, are dominating no doubt.

  2. True, 'Your children are not your children , they are the sons and daughters of tomorrow'.
    U have expressed this in your own way , beautifully.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Thanks Mom! Did yr comment get accidentally posted twice n u removed it?

  5. Thanks Mom! Did yr comment get accidentally posted twice n u removed it?

  6. I still have sanjana s image as a small kid wanting to play with pichkoo...

    1. Thanks for reading Anuja! Yes rt! Time flies as you will see with your little one...

    2. Thanks for reading Anuja! Yes rt! Time flies as you will see with your little one...

  7. I still have sanjana s image as a small kid wanting to play with pichkoo...

  8. Anupama ! I love your way of expression... Very well said ! Eager to meet you ...

    1. Thank you so much Aarti tai! Yes we will meet for sure very soon.

    2. Thank you so much Aarti tai! Yes we will meet for sure very soon.


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