Tuesday, 9 February 2016

Life Is Like A Ferris Wheel

Those who know me well know I tend to juggle a thousand things at once! NOT at the cost of my children's routine, but just about all the time in between! I've been exceptionally busy these past couple of weeks, even neglecting to walk my routine eight kilometres a day, for the last ten days, so much so that when I started again yesterday, my neighbour said she thought I was out of town!
I've been reading and reviewing multiple books that just came in for the school library,(I finished five thick books in seven days!), been taking back to back classes on Skype for my students in India (and sending them their bills for classes taken in the last few months, because since I do not live in India, I refuse to take money in advance!), helping my daughter collate pictures and write ups for her Senior year book page, volunteering in the kids' school, trying out new recipes and desserts, much to the delight of my husband, for my son (who at twelve, has hit the eat all the time stage) and whipping out my credit card to pay for my son's pizza and ice cream birthday treat for his school friends, after spending time creating and sending a poetic invite. The last one was waaaay easier than all those glamorously themed parties I have organized in the past, complete with games and prizes and thoughtful return gifts! I've been writing a lot of course, for two other entities, besides my blog. The only thing I haven't been doing is studying for an on line course I'm currently doing. Thank you Symbiosis Centre For Distance Learning, Pune, for letting senior students like me take FOUR years to do a two year course! It doesn't seem like I will be able to attempt the exams this year either...
So in the midst of this all, why am I blogging today? I have three classes lined up on Skype and a hot after school snack to make for the children. But as any one who writes (or their kids!) will tell you, it is a compulsion. Once something gets into your mind, you are not satisfied till it's down on paper. Or out in cyber space, as the case may be...So here goes...

Life is like a gigantic Ferris Wheel,
It's not a puppy to whom you say 'Come to heel'.
Slowly, as you climb up, you watch the world go by,
Even as butterflies in your stomach fly.

Sometimes, right at the top, you get stuck,
Relax, enjoy the view, it's just your luck.
Others are hanging somewhere halfway between up and down,
They are the ones who, often, at life frown.
Relax, you may go up and reach the top,
Or, you may come down, but life doesn't stop.

And what of those who are stuck right below?
Close enough to kiss the ground hello?
Sometimes I think they have it best of all,
There really isn't anywhere for them to fall...

Where ever you may be, try to enjoy the ride,
After all, with God's will we must abide.
Life comes a full circle, just like the Ferris wheel,
At times we stand tall, at times we kneel.

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